Monday, November 9, 2009

The long haul

So, it has been MONTHS since I have been able to find a minute to myself - between kids, job, house, hubby, and homeschooling, exercise just falls by the wayside. However, I have had the presence of mind to keep on the eating plan (getting half of everything you could want to eat is not a bad deal) but more importantly, trying to still eat healthier. That means getting back on healthier snacks, and my old stand-by: cereal.

We had about 2 months of chaos and business, and I started snacking more than I was comfortable with. Then we were sick for pretty much the MONTH of October (good for the diet, not for the exercise). THEN stinking Halloween came around - what is up with days marching along whilst I not pay attention?! More snacking - at least those were bite-sized. And I began to worry.

So this past week, right after my "time of the month" was over (that of course, was my miserable excuse for snacking), I got back on my band wagon. I have been walking at least once a week while the kids are at sports (it's about a mile and 1/2 around the park), and still doing sit ups and push ups about every other day. But getting back on the wagon means getting ON, and so back to my treadmill. I only got one extra day this week, but that is one day more than last week! Plus I did arms on BOTH days, and boy, I couldn't lift them AT ALL by Wednesday! Wow, that felt good!

So today, it was Special K chocolate for snacks. Right now this is a fave, as it is extra crunchy and has chocolate! How can I go wrong with that combo? And I am happy with the exercise - not a huge amount, but I am doing SOMETHING, which is always better than nothing. And the good news - the pants are still falling off my hips! I really need to invest in a belt, but my hubby has two, and since he only has ONE waist, I just wear the second one! Utility for the win!

While I would love to get more exercise in, I will be happy with what I CAN do, and not lament what I can't. Meanwhile, I will stick with the half-eating, as that seems to be working wonders. I am in my skinny jeans, and they are starting to get baggy. Oh my, do I see a shopping trip in my future? I hope so . . .

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